Saturday, April 4, 2015

The Griffin

The Griffin (also spelled "Gryphon") is a fascinating creature. It is one of my favorite mythical creatures, I have tons of other ones that I also like. This was a school project, but I'd be happy to share it with others. The information below is what I heard or learned about the Griffin.


The Griffin was known in ancient Egypt before 3300 B.C. It was also located in Northern Russia, Ethiopia, Africa, the Middle East, India, and Europe. Some legends also say that griffins came from Issedonians who were located in the Oural Mountains area and Asia. 

Ancient Egypt

Habitat and Home

Griffins live in mountain regions and by the gold mines located in India and Scythia. They also would live anywhere that had hidden treasure.

Mountain Region

Hidden Treasure


Griffins have an eagles head and wings; and the body of a lion. They are usually a brown or tawny color and some have white wings. There are three different types of Griffins.


 A Hippogryph has the head, wings, and front legs of a bird and back, and hind legs of a horse. This mixture is rare because horses are one of the Griffins worst enemies.


Lion Griffins have a lion's body, but the back legs are shaped like a bird.

Lion Griffin

Snake Griffins have the body of a lion, a snake's head, and a bird's legs.

Snake Griffin


A griffin's favorite food is meat, meat, meat! They are carnivores and they love to eat fresh caught meat. They would also eat one of their worst enemies whenever they can; a horse!

Fresh meat

 Purpose in Life

Griffins would protect treasure and vast gold mines of India and Scythia. The most common treasure that was guarded by griffins were emeralds, knowledge, the Tree of Life, and Roads to Salvation. Griffins also represented wisdom, strength, courage, and leadership.

Griffin Symbol

If you want to know more information about the griffin, here's my work cited page.


Works Cited

Belmont, Mike. "Mythology of the Griffin." Gods and Monsters site. Royal Mintt Publishing LLC. Web. 14 Feb. 2015.

Unknown Explorers. "Griffin." Unknown Explorers site. Web. 14 Feb. 2015.

Zverev, Vitali. "Griffin." Myth or Truth site. Mythical Creatures, Beast and Facts associated with them. Web. 27 Nov. 2012. 14 Feb. 2015.

Monsters Monstrous. "Griffins." Monstrous site. Web. 14 Feb. 2015.

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